June 20, 2018 George Foster

The Secret

Haile Gebrselassie getting to the finish line a lot fucking quicker than anyone else. As per.

I’m gonna let you in on a little summin’ summin’.

But first, some context.

When I was in Siurana climbing, oh, about 11 years ago or so, my mate Dave was gearing up to try a hard climb. His strategy was to ‘not let go’. He didn’t and he did the climb, first go.

End of context.

What does this have to do with running?


The secret to running fast is to not slow down.


You’re welcome.

Comments (1)

  1. Dave

    100% agree with this. The trick is to make sure you verbally use the “don’t let go” card sparingly. Think it every time, but say it rarely, and then… ta da, people think you’re a magician!

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