Myths and Truths

It’s Half Term in Cumbria. Ahhhhhhhhhh, beauty. This means daytime telly. Top Gear on ‘Dave’, Jeremy Kyle being Jeremy Kyle (i.e. a self-righteous prick) and Mythbusters. ‘Mythbusters’ is my inspiration as I sit here on the couch. Couch. What a…
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The Dunning-Kruger Effect

Had an interesting conversation today. I’ll tell you aaalllllllll about it. By way of an introduction, we’ve already talked about the role of ‘fad’ foods via this forum. Not really touched on kit and the like though. That is, until…
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The Importance of ‘Could’….

….and why ‘potential’ is the greatest athletic gift. “You’re never as good as anybody says you are”. So said Eoin Morgan, England’s ODI cricketing captain. He should know, England have just yesterday been beaten by Scotland; a team ranked 13th…
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Realities: Colour = Speed

……and no, that’s not racist. Take a lookey-loo at the photo below. What do you notice? Did you say something along the lines of “all the lead runners’ shoes are super bright and colourful”? Yes? Well, give yourself a solid…
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Fashionable Food and Fads

I have recently had a fairly stark realisation that ‘the man’ has (had) firmly got me in ‘his’ grip. This epiphany came about slowly at first but has now exploded into a true awakening, pretty much as a result of…
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Realities: What Comes Down….

A new year and a new month. Happy 2018 everyone! It’s the second instalment of the (fell) running realities series. Those quirks of this niche that are undeniable and irrefutable. This month……hills. Don’t fear science….sometimes it’s right! What comes down…
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Seal Cub Clubbing Club

Who's who......fellrunners are a stylish lot.
What’s with all these clubs huh?! What even is a club?? Fell-running’s got its fair share right? What are they? Where are they? And are they any good? Who’s the best? Who’s the worst? Who even cares?!………….me. I do. So,…
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Fellrunning: A Punter’s Guide No. 4 – Carnethy 5

No getting in Fin's way!
Right, you’ve read the shite about the relays but that’s not gonna be a flash in the pan. Oh no. There’s going to be a heck of a lot to get through this year, it’s only January after all and…
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